A Blueprint for Furniture Provision in Social Housing

A Blueprint for Furniture Provision in Social Housing

We know that many more social landlords are now considering more ways to support tenants, and furnished tenancies can be an ideal solution. But introducing a new scheme with the necessary capital outlay can be challenging so thanks to funding from Fusion 21 Foundation, we have created our Blueprint for Furniture Provision in Social Housing.

We spoke to over 30 social landlords, speaking to those running FT schemes to understand how they operate and the challenges they have overcome, and to those looking at introducing schemes to find out what questions they need answering.

The result is a detailed guide which we believe covers everything a landlord needs to know to prepare a business case for a new furnished tenancy scheme.

We highlight the huge opportunities an FT scheme can offer to a landlord, as well as the benefits to the tenant, as well as exploring the funding and budgeting implications, the operational requirements and much more.

We believe at least 10% of all socially rented properties should be offered as furnished properties and we hope that this document will help to deliver this target.


Please see the recording of our Blueprint for Furniture Provision in Social Housing webinar, featuring presentations by EFP, Ian Fyfe, Furnished Tenancies Manager at Torus, and Paul Aitkin, Group Commercial Manager at Karbon Homes: 
Guide to Creating a Sustainable Furnished Tenancy Scheme

Case study – Torus

Case study – Stockport Homes Group

Here is our video explainer for tab one of the Financial Modelling spreadsheet

Here is our video explainer for tab two of the Financial Modelling spreadsheet


Here is our video explainer for tab three of the Financial Modelling spreadsheet

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